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INTRODUCING AUTHENTIC VINTAGE BRIDAL – Will they walk down the award ceremony aisle?

laura  bath authentic vintage bridallaura  bath authentic vintage bridallaura  bath authentic vintage bridal

Authentic Vintage Bridal specialise in authentic vintage wedding dresses. Each dress is utterly unique just like you. We find out more from Laura Bath

What inspired you to launch this as your business?
I wanted to make vintage wedding dresses more accessible and affordable. Hoping more brides to be will give vintage a go.

What drew you to "vintage"?
I have always been obsessed with vintage, before Authentic Vintage Bridal i sold vintage fashion. I love the hunt and the sheer satisfaction when you know you have found a beauty. Also i find it fascinating that it already has a history of its own.

What types of products do you sell and why?
We sell original vintage wedding dresses dating from the 1900s all the way through to the 1970s. We sell them because they are unbelievably beautiful and deserve to be brought to life again.

What is the most popular era?
Hmm thats a hard one, this year I'm seeing more 60s and 70s but overall for me the most popular gown is the 40s

What is your current favourite item & why?
Oh this is hard. Ok my current favourite is the 1930s simple satin wedding dress because its so understatedly beautiful, elegant and timeless.

Do you ship outside of the UK?
We most certainly do.

How would you like to see your business grow & the Vintage Industry develop over the coming year(s)?
I would love to reach more brides to be and show that you don't need to be having a twee vintage wedding or be stick thin to buy a vintage wedding dress and look amazing. Vintage wedding dresses are timeless and elegant and so much more individual then an off the peg boutique dress. My aim is to make it more accessible and break some of the misconceptions of vintage. Our dresses are pristine not an odour, rip or rust mark in sight. I would love to see the vintage industry develop so that more people tried real vintage as they wouldn't be disappointed. Ok rant over haha.

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