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INTRODUCING THE GLAMOPHONES – 1940s/50s style Trio; Carrie-Anne, Kate & Laura tell us more

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The Glamophones – A breath of fresh air in an old fashioned way, featuring three girls from Birmingham who just love a good vocal harmony. We find out more from Carrie-Anne, Kate and Laura...

What periods do you cover in your repertoire?

We perform iconic songs from the 1940's and 1950's, alongside modern day hits with a vintage twist.

What are your favourite numbers?

We love performing 40's classics like In the Mood, as well as having a rock and a roll to Johnny B. goode! Our favourite modern track to perform at the moment is Uptown Funk.

What inspired you to focus on this genre over other styles of music & performance?

Vintage style is something that we love in every way. Not only the music but the fashion, the make up, the hair, the dancing! So being able to perform the classic songs as well as adding retro magic to some modern numbers, we hope to make vintage more accessible.

What has been the highlight of your career to date?

After being spotted on YouTube, we were chosen to perform on a BBC One TV show in January 2015, celebrating the centenary of Frank Sinatra. It was such an incredible experience and we had an amazing time performing a classic Frank Sinatra song to millions of people at home.

What has been the best event that you have performed at?

Every gig is special to us but one that stands out is performing at Race For Life in Birmingham. There were 3000 inspirational women in front of us, and to be able to push them along a little bit with music, was a great feeling.

If you could perform with anyone (past or present) who would it be?

Oooh that's a tough one, there are so many! We'd have to say the Rat Pack, three guys, three girls and some swing.

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