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INTRODUCING STYLE YOUR DAY – Will sophisticated, sensory stylists scoop award?

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Style Your Daya fusion of "elegant, opulent & cool". Delivering bespoke vintage style that reflects the individuality of the couple or the celebration through exceptional venue dressing for weddings or events. We find out more from Sophie Fairless...

What is your most popular service?

Wedding Venue Dressing in a vintage style

What inspired you to launch this as your business?

I believe in love, sentiment & family occasions & celebrations. These experiences leave you with precious memories. After recovering from an accident that I had in 2006 which resulted in me being in a coma, I realized how precious life is and how important these events are. This, together with my love of vintage style inspired me to launch a vintage styled event décor business.

What drew you to "vintage"?

My Nan had a huge influence on my upbringing. Vintage style reminds me of my time that I used to spend with her.

If you could supply any individual, business or event with your product/services who or which would it be?

I would like to supply our vintage china and to the workers at the local Hospice which is Willen Hospice because they so tirelessly provide pallative care to such a wonderful standard.

How would you like to see your business grow & the Vintage Industry develop over the coming year(s)?

I have just partnered with Stephanie Taylor who can bring her unique floristry & creativity (she is professionally known as The Plum Fox) to add to our styling packages. I would like us to maintain an exceptional standard of delivery providing a great experience. We love to take care of all of the details for the venue for total room décor and delighting all of the senses.

As for the vintage industry, I think for it to have real staying power & keep its appeal, it will need to create meaningful experiences to continue to engage with people. It offers an alternative style and needs to not become complacent & set itself apart from mainstream popularity by encouraging personal uniqueness ie vintage-glam/ retro/ eclectic-style that individuals can relate to.

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Twitter @mrsfairless / Style Your Day!
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