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INTRODUCING HMS VINTAGE – Empowering experiences & a lasting memory, will they sail away with award?

ian brooke hms vintageian brooke hms vintageian brooke hms vintageian brooke hms vintage

HMS Vintage is a unique destination for hen parties, birthday celebrations and girlie get togethers! Offering a warm welcome and a relaxing environment their focus is the customer experience and they strive to empower those who visit to be self confident. Ian Brooke tells us more..

How would you describe your photography style? - Personal, dark and moody. I look to present glamour in my photography and sometimes that is about mystery and intrigue. I like dark shadows and offering something slightly different. I can honestly say I get a buzz out of seeing the look on the faces of my customers when we show them the results. Making our ladies feel good is one of the aims of my business and also a personal mission of mine.

What drew you to this genre over other styles and subject matter? – I grew up loving listening to the beach boys and i was fascinated by the way women dressed in war time films. It didnt take long until i would spend hours looking at picture books of famous silver screen actresses. To this day Sophia Lauren and Carme Dell Orrifice still astound me. I love how women portrayed in historical (vintage) style were 100% naturally beautiful and I think that is something we need to remember natural women and natural beauty. i think women this day in age are far to pressured by the media to look a certain way and I particularly enjoy being able to work with real women to boost confidence, challenge their own opinion of themselves and overcome self esteem issues.

Who would you most like to photography (past or present) & why? – Sophia Lauren or Carmen Dell Orrifice – both are breathtakingly beautiful and have been their entire careers. They stand testament to beauty knowing no age limit or barrier

What do you enjoy most about being a vintage inspired photographer? – Being able to celebrate natural beauty and build up the confidence of the ladies who come to visit. I haven't had a bad experience yet in the studio. We take our time to get to know our visitors and then create something amazing. I love everything about the various era's from the 20's to the 70's and especially how the images we create for our clients, liek the imagery you may see from era's gone by, can look and feel iconic.

How would you like to see your business grow & the Vintage industry develop over the coming years?
We would like to be THE destination business for confidence boosting and vintage portrait photography. It is incredibely important to me that all our visitors have a positive experience with us and walk out feeling ten feet tall.

If we can change the way someone looks at themselves and inspire them to go on and become more confident about their experience then I have done what I set out to on each occasion.

We also want to look at involving ourselves with more womens support groups and charities so we can really begin to champion womens rights, equality and most important of all, real beauty health and vitality!

Anything else to add?No matter what happens during the voting process my colleagues and I are thrilled to be part of this process :-)

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