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2014 Winner's Interview – VINTAGE ACTUALLY Best Online Shop (Homeware)

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Vintage Actually is an online shop specialising in vintage furniture and homeware from the 1950s' to the 1980s'. All pieces are hand picked by owner Rachel and are items that she would be happy to have in her own home. The website stocks a good selection of professionally reupholstered stools and chairs alongside tables and items of homeware, so whether you are after an original, quirky or classic piece there is always plenty to choose from.

What do you have planned for your business/yourself in the next year?

In the next year I am planning to develop my blog to include more lifestyle and interiors content, it's a work in progress at the moment but I've made a start, you can view my blog at

What are your favourite vintage events?

I love trading at vintage fairs that specialise in furniture and homeware and am planning to do more of these this year. I am also hoping to get to the Festival of Vintage in York this year as I don't really get time to go to many vintage events as a customer so I'm going to make more of an effort this year.

Why did you decide to enter the NVAs?

I decided to enter the NVAs as I thought it would be a positive thing to do for my business, I had thought about entering the previous year, but as I had been trading for less than 12 months I didn't really have the confidence but with a bit more experience under my belt I decided to go for it.

How did you feel when you won?

I was over the moon when I won!! I was so nervous and really didn't expect it, but it was a great night and I met some lovely people. Its inspiring to be in a room full of people who are passionate about vintage.

What was the most positive thing about entering the NVAs?

The most positive thing about entering the NVAs was the boost in confidence for myself and my business, that and the support that people gave me.

What would you say to other people who are thinking about entering in 2015?

It's so worth doing! Even if you don't win it can still give your business a boost and it's a great night out!

What business tip/quote would you give to anyone starting out in the vintage industry?

Its hard work setting up and running any business but if you're passionate about it you've got to give it a go.
Being a NVA winner has been a really positive experience, it's great to have an award winning business and I think it gives customers more confidence in you when buying online.

For More Information:

Best Vintage Online Shop (Homeware) 2014:
Twitter: @vintageactually

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