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Best Vintage Blog 2014 Sponsored by DollHouse Photography

dollhouse blog sponsor 2014

The Best Vintage Blog category is designed for all bloggers who cover the vintage world in some way on their blog. At least 50% of their content should be vintage related, and that can be fashion, beauty, weddings, lifestyle... anything! Our category sponsor DollHouse Photography are offering an amazing photoshoot prize to the winner worth over £300:

Full vintage styling of hair and make up
Your choice of 2 outfits from our vast pin up wardrobe
20 unedited images
4 images edited to editorial level, and one vintage digital artwork design

"Whether you walk the walk with pin up or just want a fun sassy vintage makeover, DollHouse will evoke the sultry vixen within . . . We photograph all ages, shapes and sizes – customising the styling to create pure bombshell images in a flash."

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