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Nominee Interview: Sailor Cherry, Best Pinup Model 2014

sailor cherry

Ahoy There my lovelies! I'm Sailor Cherry a part time model, represented my Spirit model and promotions agency. I have been modelling for over 5 years. I have been published internationally in books, magazines and calenders. I specialise in Vintage Pin up modelling. I enjoy many genres of music. But i love Rockabilly and 50's Rnb. I love to go to weekenders like Hemsby. I have many vintage outfits & shoes. I have been very lucky to work with some amazing photographers over the years and i hope to continue to work with some awesome photographers on my wishlist.

2. What category are you nominated in?

Best Pin up model

3. What made you enter the NVA's this year?

I am never really one to enter contests and i rarely win anything. I think the price of working with the Pin up academy really swung it for me, their new studio sets look amazing!

4. How did you first hear about the NVA's?

A facebook friend and fellow Pin up model

5. Do you have a message for your potential voters?

Feel free to browse my facebook page/profile and add me to see my images. If you do decide to vote for me. then thank you very much <3

6. Anything else you'd like to add?

Vote for me, pretty please with a big cherry on top ;)



Twitter @SailorChez

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